The Ohio Department of Transportation - District 7 recently put out a call for public comments on two Miami Valley Trail-related projects scheduled to occur in the future. Below are brief descriptions and a link to the ODOT web page where you can leave any comments or thoughts you may have about these projects. Comments are being accepted between now and November 30, 2021.
Resurfacing the Little Miami Scenic Trail in Clark County
The Clark County Park District proposes to resurface portions of the Little Miami Scenic Trail (from Jackson Road to Interstate 70) and the Prairie Grass Trail (from the Greene County line to the Madison County line) through application of an asphalt rejuvenator. The resurfacing is necessary maintenance and will extend the life of the pavement.
The Little Miami Scenic Trail is the most popular trail in the Miami Valley Trails network. Keeping this trail in good condition is very important. The "Prairie Grass Trail" is another name for the Ohio to Erie Trail. This portion, though short, is a part of the MVT network and also part of the 326-mile Ohio to Erie Trail route from Cincinnati to Cleveland.
The Montgomery County Engineer’s Office will widen Social Row Road from two lanes to five lanes, extending from Waterbury Ridge Lane to Sheehan Road. The project will be undertaken in two phases, with Phase 1 (PID 113360) extending from Waterbury Ridge Lane to Paragon Road and Phase 2 (PID 115191) extending from Paragon Road to Sheehan Road. A new shared use path and infill sidewalk will be provided for the full length of the corridor. The project is intended to address existing and anticipated future congestion caused by increased traffic volumes.
The shared use path mentioned in the description will be another section of the Great-Little Trail, which is planned to be another all-trail connection between the Great Miami River Trail and the Little Miami Scenic Trail.