The City of Franklin recently completed construction on a beautiful new trail connection between Franklin and Springboro, the Clear Creek Trail. The trail doesn't YET connect to any of the Miami Valley Trails, but the City has plans to complete the connection through their terrific historic downtown to the Great Miami River Trail. Longer term, Springboro's "Central Greenway" route will connect this new trail to the Great-Little Trail along Austin Pike.
For now, however, we have a fun trail that is worth checking out. The route includes some fun turns and hills as it hugs closely to the meandering Clear Creek.
And, at least for now before the trees leaf out, there are nice views of the creek, too.
The trail shares space under Interstate 75 with the creek to make a safe passage under the highway. Truth be told, the Interstate is noisy when you are near it, but much of the trail is far enough away from the highway to be able to hold a conversation while walking or cycling. That underpass and also a new bridge over Clear Creek right at Hazel Woods Park were some of the high cost elements of this project, but well worth it for this pretty trail and valuable connection between cities.
Put "Check out the Clear Creek Trail" on your to-do list for this year!