The late-summer project to repave the Mad River Trail between Eastwood MetroPark and RiverScape MetroPark is completed. The Mad River Trail is a key segment in the only trail connection between the Little Miami Scenic Trail and the Great Miami River Trail so having this trail back online is very important. The Mad River Trail is a key connection for bicycle commuters riding to Wright Patterson AFB from the west and for any commuters headed to Dayton from the east.
The project did more than provide a new, smooth surface. (Is it our imagination, or is the trail w i d e r ?) There are some great safety improvements as well. The project has added safety striping and reflective bollards near the Keowee underpass where the edge gets close to the river.
And closer to Eastwood MetroPark, where the hardened riverbank drops steeply into the river, there is new safety fencing.
This project was sponsored by The Miami Conservancy District (MCD), and coordinated with ODOT District 7. Funding was provided through the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission and MCD. Many thanks to everyone involved in this project, helping to keep the Miami Valley Trails in great shape for the future.