The City of Piqua announced the re-opening on one bridge and the grand opening of another in September 2023. Together, these bridges provide vital north-south AND east-west connections in the city and link two of the Miami Valley Trails. Let's take them one at a time.
Great Miami River Trail
South of town, right near the old power plant (and the old nuclear power plant) the GMR Trail crossed the river on an old utility bridge. The bridge was very narrow and had steps on the east end (making it not ADA accessible). Here's a couple of photos to refresh your memory..
In summary, this was not an adequate bridge. But now, the City of Piqua has completed construction on a new bridge, a little further downstream that will replace this crossing with a beautiful, and accessible bridge. The picture at the top is the new bridge, shown just before officially opening. Miami Valley Trail users will no longer face the detour on CR 25A, and can enjoy scenic views of the river as they make their way in or out of Piqua. Here's a photo of both bridges from the area upstream at the low dam..
Ohio to Indiana Trail
The historic Rail Road Bridge passing over the Great Miami River and Lock Nine Park in downtown Piqua has been closed for a couple of years now while repairs were undertaken after a fire. The City of Piqua has announced that this bridge is also now re-opened and can once again unite the neighborhoods east and west of the river in the City of Piqua. This bridge still has stairs on its west end, but having the connection over the river is great to see..
All great news from Piqua and for the Miami Valley Trails!