A City of Dayton sanitary sewer project has the Great Miami River Trail closed in downtown Dayton on the west bank of the river. The project is working in phases and is scheduled for completion in Spring of 2024. Some portion of the GMR Trail on the west side of the river will be closed from now until Spring 2024, so use of the east side is generally advised.
The project is in the section of the Great Miami River Trail trail where there is trail on both sides of the river, so trail users can still use the trail on the east side of the river:
The project limits are from Albany Street (south) to Riverside Drive (north), however the bike path is impacted from Albany Street to I-75 near Temple Israel.
Those approaching from the Wolf Creek Trail will need to use the bike stairs at the confluence of Wolf Creek and the Great Miami River to climb up to Sunrise MetroPark. Please note, the bike stairs at Sunrise MetroPark are NOT ADA accessible. From there, you may proceed across the Third Street Bridge and then use the trail along Robert Drive to access the GMR Trail on the east bank. This route can be followed in reverse to reach the Wolf Creek Trail from the east side of the GMR Trail.
The image below shows this route to and from the Wolf Creek Trail.
Posted: June 5, 2023
Updated: February 21, 2024 (added photo)