The major project by the City of Riverside and ODOT to upgrade the intersection of US 35 and Woodman Drive was certainly overdue and will make that area function better for traffic when it is completed. It has had the unfortunate effect of closing and detouring the Creekside Trail in the vicinity. But it also will leave a permanent beneficial legacy for a couple of neighborhoods in Riverside that in years past had no safe and convenient connection to the trail right next to their community.
In order to develop a useful and safe detour around the closed trail underpass under Woodman, a new access ramp was constructed as a part of this project connecting the trail to Obie Street. As trail users approach the area from the east (from, say, Beavercreek) today they will see the signs for the detour as shown in the top image. The ramp proceeds down to the level of Obie Street, and the detour route is signed from there. (While in effect, you can read more about the detour here.) When the project is complete, the ramp to Obie Street will remain as a permanent connection for these neighborhoods. The image below is looking up the ramp from Obie Street.
According to the 2020 Census, the two Census Block Groups through which the detour travels on its way to Burkhardt Road are home to 2,246 people! That's a lot more people with easy and safe access to the trails for travel to parks, schools, businesses, and restaurants nearby and communities further afield. Leveraging other projects to expand access to the Miami Valley Trails is another way to increase the connectivity and utility of this system - the nation's largest paved trail network.