The most recent edition (Sixth Edition, 2020) of the Miami Valley Bikeways Guide map is available throughout the Miami Valley. Contact:
Centerville Washington Park District
for information about picking up a map at one of their parks or trail facilities. These colorful maps cover the same region as this web site, are great for trip planning and are quite handy while out on the trails.
For a download of a PDF file version of the Miami Valley Trails map, please click the links below:
Front Side (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Back Side (PDF, 1.82 MB)
Printed Miami Valley Bikeways Guide maps are also available through the mail to addresses outside of the Dayton region, one free per customer. For zip codes NOT starting in 453, 454, and 455, please fill out the form below to receive a map. The red stars indicate REQUIRED fields.